Other Investments

Disclaimer: we are not investment consultants. We are not offering investment or legal advice. We are simply pointing out what we’ve experienced and why we are doing what we do … we selectively acquire or create entire notes, then sell off the first part of the payment stream.

Here it is in writing – investments are unpredictable. Yoda would say “much to consider there is”.

Below are four common real estate alternatives to note investing.

  1. Residential Rental Investments
  2. Multi-Family Rentals
  3. Fix and Flip Investing
  4. Wholesale Investing

Generally speaking, there are several factors that should be considered before making any investment.

If the stock market goes up? Great! Down? Not so great! How much control do you really have? Most stock prices are based on opinion and gut feel – not actual values. Impact of 9/11? Impact of housing crisis? Politics? Corona Virus? We could put lots of charts from the stock market on this page, but choose not to. We do not use fear as a sales tactic.

Shall we talk about interest rates at banks? CDs? Remember the days of nice, safe money market certificates?  Precious Metals?  They are rocks!

If you’re still reading, we might have a solution for you. Ever look at the amortization schedule that came with the promissory note you signed with your bank when you bought your house? The amount of interest you are paying to the bank over the life of your loan makes you kind of sick. Why not turn the tables and sorta be a bank yourself?

The name of our website and our company is partialNotes.com. The word Note is significant in the name. The word partial is also significant.